Hi Frannie - excuse me I'm asking the questions
The sun provides light and heat to the earth, its flora and fauna, regardless of humans' existance. And how do you know that's the only purpose of the sun? Why limit the sun's purpose to light and heat, only?
cause I wanted to keep it pithy, and the first line was just there to set up the second line
Where did you discover that humans' purpose is to love and worship God?
I learnt this at the Kingdumb Hall, I unlearnt it here
Where did you come up with the idea that God exists?
see above
That he may or may not have a purpose? Does God have a purpose? IF God has a purpose, do you know what it is? How do you know this?
there is the crux of it - does God have a purpose - cant recall it being mentioned anywhere in the bible but its been a while
if not then worshipping God doesnt give our life purpose - so God might be really nice and really big and strong and a great friend to have, but cant give you purpose if he doesnt have one to start with
so in this area we are the same as the animals whether there is a God or not
not really explaining that very well but its late downunder